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Cable eléctrico de 4 núcleos

Huatong cable produces special Cable eléctrico de 3 núcleoss with the purpose to be used in a power supply system. These cables consist of four wires inside them. They are individually insulated, and by being insulated they are enclosed in a protective layer. It is called insulation this material. The cable consists of four wires, each different color to help you differentiate them. Red, Yellow, Blue and Black are the colors most of the time. This is then helpful when connecting the cables, since it color-codes everything to make sure it's done correctly.

Advantages of using 4 core electric cables over 2 core ones

o Cable blindado de 4 núcleos is more preferable than the 2 core cable for some reasons. The first is that those two extra wires offer additional protection against a phenomenon known as electromagnetic interference. It also means that there are fewer interruptions or issues with the signals traveling along the cable. Signals work best when they are able to travel without interference. It can also transmit power more than the 2 core cable for a 4 core cable. Why is this important — it makes it suitable for heavy-duty applications, for example in larger machines or equipment that require significant power supply.

Por que escoller o cable eléctrico huatong de 4 núcleos?

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